With musical training in classical piano and traditional Galician percussion, Acacia Ojea(1994)born in Vigo,graduated in Fine Arts in 2017, where she amplified her interest in sound art and deconstructed music.She begins her career as a DJ under the pseudonym Akaziewhen she returns to her native land afterhaving lived in cities with diverse richness such as Marseille(France) and Porto (Portugal).Later she settled in Madrid, where she finished her postgraduate studies in Contemporary Audiovisual Creationat LAV (2020) and was selected at the “Centro Superior de Enseñanzas Musicales Katarina Gurska“where she could pursue her renowned Master’s Degree in Electroacoustic Composition and New Media(2021).Always taking into considerationthe sound environment a latent stimulus within herprocesses of assimilation, creation and artistic research, since 2019 she begins to develop a musical research project mostly focused on the post clubscene through djing.Hersets harboura soundspectrum full of nuances, based on an experimental electronic with a great attention for the rhythmic and timbre exploration.#deconstructed #broken beat #hard drums #experimental #neo industrial #experimental ambient.
Currently she has made the sound designsof pieces exhibited in frameworks such as the Festival Márgenes de Madrid(2021) and the header of the film festival DOCUMENTA Madrid(2022).She has been selected for heracousmatic work in the radio of the Centro de Arte Sonoro de Buenos Airesin Argentina (2021), and has been invited to perform sound interventions in artistic contexts such as the Contemporary Art FairMadrid (2021), or the cycle of concerts of sonorous experimentation Sinsal Outonoat the Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Vigo (2021).
In recent years she has been invited to festivals such as the MMMAD Digital Arts Festival in Madrid(2022), the Festival Concertos que nunca existiram(2021), theFestival Sinsal(2021), the Melona Fest(2021), the Sona Gaifar Festival(2020) or the Varadero Fest(2020).She has played at festivals such as La señora está muerta(in Santiago de Compostela), Aquelarre, Ciénaga Electrónicaor Honey Club(Madrid) and in venues in Galicia, Madrid or Valencia includingSala Mondo Club, Sala Malatesta, Utopíaor Sala Repvblicca. Shee has also collaboratedwith international radio stations, among those, Offline Meeting Point (Barcelona), Internet PublicRadio(México) or Turbo Sessions(Portugal).Since this last year and for certain types of proposals, the project counts with the participation of the digital artist Natalia Stuykto accompany the sound narratives with her reactive visual